An ensemble of passionate labor, creativity, adventure and hope for a better tomorrow

Our story

We know there is better. While perfection is preserved for the other side of eternity, we pursue better for today than the day before. We labor to provide for a better future in light of the hope that is before us . We value grace, a hard work ethic , adventure, creativity, the love of learning and pursuing excellence. From these consistent passions, Riverview Oaks Farm emerged. Whether you come for products with better nutrition and fuel for your lifestyle , for a puppy that unites and provides a mutual bond for your family, or sharing what we have learned along the way, we have found life is much richer when shared with others. We are made for community and this growing farm life has enabled us to see that more clearly. We hope our work can provide you with products, animals and ideas that nourish and enrich you and your family.

Planted, Grown,Nurtured, Raised and Harvested with compassion.

We prioritize providing the best possible care, nutrition, and environment to our plants and animals. Whether it be the Non GMO, soy free feed, the organic produce and mealworms that we feed to our happily ranging chickens or the compassion and love we show our dogs as members of our family, we aim to provide the best means of growth. This in turn produces the best outcome. There is an inherent worth, gratitude and respect we have for our plants, products and animals. We believe that we are to steward our resources responsibly. We hope that our pursuit of excellence and integrity can be felt and seen by those we serve.

A great way to slow down in the evening is to hang out with the sweet chickens as they frolic through fields of wild flowers.
